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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Word Added to the Dictionary

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Word Added to the Dictionary


Have you ever used a word and thought, "This should be in the dictionary?" Adding a new word to the dictionary can be a challenging task, but it's not impossible. In this blog post, we will explore the process of getting a word added to the dictionary, from the initial proposal to the final acceptance.

Step 1: Research and Define Your Word

The first step in getting your word added to the dictionary is to research and define it. Start by looking up the word to see if it already exists in the dictionary. If it does, you may need to consider another term or definition. If it doesn't, then you will need to provide a definition that accurately represents the word's meaning.

When defining your word, consider its origins, usage, and context. Be specific and provide examples of how the word is used in everyday language. Your definition should be clear and concise, with no room for confusion or misinterpretation.

Step 2: Determine the Word's Eligibility

After defining your word, you need to determine its eligibility for inclusion in the dictionary. Not all words are eligible for inclusion, and certain criteria must be met for a word to be considered.

The dictionary editors will consider the word's frequency of use, longevity, and cultural significance. The word must have widespread usage in the language and have been used for a considerable amount of time. Additionally, the word must have cultural significance, representing a new concept or idea that is not currently represented in the language.

Step 3: Submit Your Proposal

Once you have determined your word's eligibility, it's time to submit your proposal to the dictionary editors. Different dictionaries have different processes for submitting proposals, so be sure to follow their guidelines closely.

Most dictionaries will require you to submit your proposal online or via mail, including your word's definition, usage examples, and information about its origins and significance. You may also need to provide evidence of the word's usage and cultural significance, such as news articles, books, or social media mentions.

Step 4: Wait for Review and Acceptance

After submitting your proposal, you will need to wait for the dictionary editors to review it. The review process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the dictionary and the word's complexity.

During the review process, the dictionary editors will evaluate your proposal based on the word's eligibility criteria and its potential impact on the language. If they determine that your word meets these criteria, they may include it in the next edition of the dictionary.

Step 5: Celebrate Your Success

Congratulations! If your word is accepted, it will be included in the dictionary, and you will have made a significant contribution to the English language. Celebrate your success and share your accomplishment with others.


Adding a word to the dictionary is not an easy task, but it is possible with careful research, a clear definition, and a well-crafted proposal. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can increase your chances of getting your word added to the dictionary and leave your mark on the English language.

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